DuDive Gymnastics
DuDive Gymnastics is back!
DuDive will be offering gymnastics lessons for children aged 3-8 years. These classes will take place in the Hamdan sports complex, and will be carried out by experienced gymnastics coaches, under the supervision of former international gymnast & DuDive founder Tom Roberts.
DuDive will offer classes on Saturday mornings with different timings to accommodate different age groups. Timings can be found below:
09:00-10:00am 3-4 years
10:00-11:00am 4-5 years
11:00-12:00am 5-6 years
12:00-13:00pm 7-8 years
The cost of this session will be 80 AED per session prorate with the school terms .

If you would like to book your child's place in these classes, please email admin@dudive.com or for more info contact Tom at +971 (0) 52 1899 777




DuDive offers diving lessons for all ages. We hold diving lessons for children from 4 years and up, with the ability to swim in deep water.
DuDive also offers adult diving lessons because we believe there should be no age limit on when you can learn something new!
Pay N Play runs every Saturday from 12.00 - 12.55. Pay N Play is a great chance to play on the boards with expert guidance.
Book on, turn up, pay and play!
DuDive runs the only diving holiday camps in Dubai. Our childrens holiday camps run throughout all school holidays.
The DuDive holiday camps provide a great introduction to diving. The camps run for 2 and 5 hours, Sunday to Thursday.
We run gymnastics for kids up to 8 years. Our gymnastics sessions provide the basic skills preparing your little ones to excel in the pool!
Classes will run for an hour at a cost of 80 AED.!